Alright, I’ve been out of the loop for a while. Someone has introduced me to a distraction that has taken me away from my geekiness. I purchased a Digital Rebel from a friend and tinkering around with it has become my latest distraction. I’m excusing myself, however, because it still runs on one’s and zero’s and I’ve always claimed that as the requirement for my interest in anything.
It’s kind of sad that I didn’t check in to and until after 10:00 this morning! :^)
On the other hand, I had caught up on,, and well before then.
Truth be known, I have been into photography for a very long time. I just haven’t had a capable camera in some time. It’s fun to get back into the world of photography without having to spend a fortune on developing and wait for the results. The question now becomes whether this is going to be a passing interest or will it last?